Nature’s Multivitamin

Boost your overall health and vitality with American Elk Velvet, which is compassionately harvested and artisan crafted using a 2,000-year-old ancient eastern technique that ensures the integrity of the velvet while locking in important vitamins and nutrients.
Elk velvet antler is considered the most important nutrient in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for centuries to successfully promote wellness by strengthening the immune system, boosting mental clarity, and soothing aching joints. It is also believed to balance testosterone and estrogen levels while raising HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body.
We believe our ability to positively impact lives starts with the velvet we put into each capsule. We promise to bring you 100% pure velvet, always. With your support, we will work to provide quality, American elk velvet supplements. Check out the benefits of American Velvet.
Our Quality
Our North American Elk and our Elk Velvet are always tested for any type of waste disease or inferiorities and our strict quality control ensures only the best goes into our capsules. Furthermore, We work with our local vets and The Fish and Wildlife Association to ensure none of our animals are harmed during the compassionately harvested antler extraction process.
Who We Are
American Elk Velvet brings you the purest and highest quality velvet on the market. Our velvet comes from only the tips of the antler (the most nutrient-rich area), is hand-selected and artisan crafted using a 2,000-year-old ancient eastern technique. This process ensures the integrity of the velvet while locking in important vitamins and nutrients. It is also the most effective curing method for whole body absorption and utilization while boosting over-all health and vitality. Our premium velvet has the highest level of efficacy and we guarantee you will feel and see a difference.