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What Are The Benefits?


  • Promote Muscle Recovery*
  • Improve Blood Circulation*
  • Stimulate Growth Hormone (Natural Source of IGF-1)*
  • Strengthen Bone Density*
  • Naturally Increase Libido* 

While Elk Antler Velvet has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, it is only in recent years that its health benefits have been discovered in Western countries. While there are few scientific studies on its effectiveness, the reviews have been very encouraging, proving the many elk antler velvet health benefits: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sexual function, and sporting performance enhancement.

Elk antler is the fastest growing animal tissue. The amazing growth rate of velvet antler (up to 3 cm. per day) suggests the presence of valuable nutrients that can provide various health benefits: stimulate growth, enhance circulation, control inflammation and help rebuild cartilage and bone, making it ideal for healing.

Promote healthy joint functionBenefits of American Velvet

American Velvet has high levels of glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen. Glucosamine is converted to glycosaminoglycans by the body – it is a very important component in connective tissues. Glucosamine derivatives, mainly, glucosamine sulfate, is used for treatment of osteoarthritis while chondroitin and collagen are used for arthritis treatments.  Most osteoarthritis treatments just attempt to reduce pain and maintain joint function but not really restore joint health. These substances help promote healthy joint and bone functions.

Balance hormone levels

American Velvet contains multiple substances including the male and female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. In some case, it might act like estrogen.  Because of this, it has been widely prescribed in Russia for treating and alleviating problems associated with menopause.

Build muscle strength and endurance

American Velvet contains insulin-growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone produced in the liver as a response to human growth hormone (HGH) stimulation. HGH plays an important role in skeletal growth and its levels often peak at adolescence after which it declines. Elk velvet antler stimulates production of these hormones that have anabolic (muscle development) effects in adults.

Naturally boost sexual performance

Since American Velvet contains high levels of hormones, this leads to an increase of circulating free testosterone, increasing sex drive or boosting one’s libido.

Stimulate the immune system and blood flow

American Velvet has shown to have positive effects on cardiovascular health. A key element of elk velvet antler is chondroitin sulfate A. This substance has been proven to reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks and stroke by more than 400%.

American Velvet has more health benefits than the ones listed above. We have listed ones that have scientific basis but traditional Chinese medicine have used it for almost any ailment possible.